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Mr. Sunil Kumar Sharma is a gold medalist from University College of Engineering, Bangalore and MBA. During his long professional tenure of about 4 decades, he was deeply involved in development and execution of large defence projects in cutting edge technology areas such as Air Defence Radars, Electro-Optics, Avionics, Networked Centric Systems, Missile Systems, Electronic Warfare, Naval Sonars and Communication. He has also steered complex IT based national E-Governance projects such as Electronic Voting Machine, Biometrics for National Population Register and Smart Cards.As part of capacity building and modernization, he envisioned and initiated establishment of several new R&D and manufacturing facilities including world-class Defence System Integration Complex, modern Night Vision Devices factory, Product Design and Innovation Centre and new line for Microwave Super-components & TR Modules which are critical components for modern AESA Radars.By virtue of having successfully led technology driven large organizations, his competency areas are defence and aerospace technologies, Corporate Governance, Management, Business Strategy, Operations and IT systems.He has received prestigious individual and company awards including SCOPE Awards for Corporate Governance, HR Excellence, R&D and Innovation. He was member of official delegations to several countries including South Korea, France, Germany, UK and Russia for defence cooperation and export promotion.