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Deployable Space Antenna

Diffractive Gratings
Multifold Lenses
Reflectors & Coating
Metal Mirrors
Zerodur Mirrors
IR Lenses
Lens Barrel
Ultra Precision Manufacturing
Space Antennas
CFRP Structures
Gyro Blocks
Optical Domes
Deployable Space Antenna

Deployable Space Antenna

For Space And other applications

Paras is rapidly expanding its solution portfolio for Space Applications. In a quest to offer world-class niche solutions for Space, Paras has exclusively partnered with Europe’s leader in Space Antennas. We are in the process of setting up India’s first private Space Antenna manufacturing and integration plant

Together we currently offer;

  • Solid Reflector Antennas
  • Large Deployable Reflector Subsystems
  • Deployable Sail Subsystems for De‐orbiting
  • Nanosatellite‐Equipment (RF, mechanical, thermal)
  • Thermal Hardware (MLI, Radiators, etc.)